What is Reiki?

According to Dictionary.com, Reiki is “a form of therapy in which the practitioner is believed to channel energy into the patient in order to encourage healing or restore wellbeing.” Reiki can be translated as “spiritually guided life force energy.” I like to call it Divine healing energy. It is powerful. I can say this because I’ve experienced both receiving Reiki and sharing it with others. But I understand that, if you’ve never experienced it, it’s a challenging concept. Having studied science and worked in a laboratory for a number of years, I appreciate scientific “proof”. I’m confident now saying that I have personal proof of Reiki flowing and healing in powerful ways. I believe in it. While there aren’t many studies that have been published to prove Reiki’s effectiveness, we can chalk that up to no one being able to own it and get rich selling it.

Reiki has been likened to light touch massage. Very light contact or no physical contact at all can be used to share healing energy. I’ve sent Reiki to clients thousands of miles away and they have received and benefited from the healing energy. Whoa! Right? It’s true.

At first, I didn’t think it would work at a distance, but it’s proven me wrong. And I guess that’s because energy is everywhere. It’s timeless and universal. So, while I prefer to look you in the eyes and talk to you face to face before and after your session, distance Reiki can truly be just as effective as in-person. And this is particularly important right now—for those who are staying isolated to protect themselves and others. Distance Reiki is a self-care option that enables you to stay safely at home and receive significant benefits to mind, body, and spirit. And let’s be honest, we all NEED that! Raise your hand if you’re worn out right now? I’ve always believed that each of us, no matter what, needs healing. But right now, let’s just acknowledge that the healing we need is on a whole different level than we’ve experienced in this lifetime.  

So, what should you know about Reiki before you schedule a session? First, your only job is to relax. You’ll want to wear comfy clothes. If you’re coming to an in-person appointment, you’ll get to rest on a heated massage table, with the sound of relaxing music in the background and the scent of lavender in the air. For distance sessions, I recommend creating a similarly relaxing and supportive environment in your home. One of the main factors that will decide the quality of your Reiki experience is your receptivity to it. You have to be open to receiving healing, even if that means suspending your disbelief for the session—approach it with an open mind and heart. (Remember, I have a background in science, so it didn’t come naturally to just accept that Reiki would work without experiencing it myself.) Through Reiki, healing can occur on any level—mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual. You need not even be aware of what wound is healing, or what is being released. Simply letting go and allowing your Self to heal is enough.

Ultimately, the only way to know Reiki is to experience it. If you’re interested, click here to see my offerings. If you have questions, reach out. I’m always happy to help.





Begin with Intention